Grey's Mind Maze

A Fantasy Shop in Second Life

Visit  my Flickr to see all of my pics!

Press button to get an impression and Landmark.

Yes, we do live there. And yes, you can also be a part of this community. You can be anybody or anything you want. Second Life is a world full of wonders and miracles. And is completly what YOU make out of it.

Press  button to have look at my shop on the Second Life Marketplace.

So many possibilities, so much to see, tons of things to do. Seeing all the wonderful things in Second Life made me whish to be a part of it and so I became a creator, too.

And so it started....

What to expect?

Not a normal shop but a place built with love and fantasy. You are invited to come and look, wander around or just relax and listen to the sounds. And yes, you can also buy a lot of the things you see. It is not my main goal to sell things, though it helps to pay tier and buy new meshes.

I am happy if you like what I create. You don't need to buy (I know a lot of you don't have much money), but if you would like to show your interest join my group.

For nearly one year I stayed at Animus but was always looking for a bigger place.

Then went to Ambrosia, but found out I needed way more prims to show my creations.

Luckily I found a wonderful spot at Cocteau with a nice bunch of prims.

Click the Landmark button and copy URL.

You are invited!

I decided to have a big garden on the ground. It is a quiet and tranquil place. Mainly for recreation, inner silence, or just for relaxing. Please respect that.

This is only overriden when Twisted Hunts are on! Maybe then you'll see twisted Twisties looking for hidden gifts.

The Group

I do understand this group 'thing' as a possibility for me to give some special items for free. To say THANK YOU to the kind souls who show they like what I am doing. 

And customers / friends / supporters have the free chance to honour the work / creativity / affords of the group 'owner'.